Monday, November 30, 2009

Dec 4.

Come support ya boy DJ Lyric and DJ Khaos on Dec. 4, GreenHouse....its goin down!!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Home Sweet Kingdom

As I return from a trip from the kingdom I am reminded of the current mission ahead. The Queen has been gracious enough to release her youngest son into the cold world to acquire an education; ultimately for the betterment of the kingdom. My heart is overcome with joy to learn that all is well at home. It is that confirmation that fuels my ambition to continue to succeed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As I stand in the world's marketplace of knowledge, I am approached. "My name is Homesickness, I'm Depression's sister". Fourtunately Depression is a stranger to me, but for some reason i'm starting to recognize Homesickness more and more every time I encounter her.......